The marketing funnel is one of the most important parts of your online business arsenal. This applies to everything you do online, whether you’re into network marketing, promoting affiliate products or selling your own products and services. Knowing the specific marketing funnel stages is even more important, so here we’re going to cover them in detail.
So what exactly is a marketing funnel?
A marketing funnel is a series of steps that makes people go from being just visitors to customers and business partners. What these people have in common is that they are looking for solutions to specific problems. It can be the need to add a new income stream or improve specific marketing skills to find qualified prospects.
The funnel usually starts with a lead capture page. Here, you collect your prospect’s name and e-mail address so you can follow up with them and build a relationship.
The end goal is to sell your products and services, make affiliate commissions, and/or sponsor people into your primary business.
The main marketing funnel stages
1. Visitors -> Prospects
The goal of the first of the marketing funnel stages is to offer your visitors a free product of high value, for example a free e-book, audio/video training or an e-mail course. For this purpose, you use a lead capture page, where they give you their e-mail addresses in exchange for the product you’re offering. You can promote your own free products using a lead capture page system like Onyalist, or an affiliate product, like Attraction Marketing Formula Boot Camp.
2. Under $100 product
In your e-mail follow up, your first step should be to market a low-cost product that’s related to the free product you give away in step 1. Your conversion rate will depend on the type of product. You can sell your own premium product or promote an affiliate product, like the Attraction Marketing Formula e-book and bonuses. This is offered to your prospects right after they opt in for the free boot camp. During the first hour, they get a huge 72% discount for acting FAST!
3. Back end products
In the final marketing funnel stages (after about one week or 3 to 4 follow-up e-mails), it’s time to introduce your back-end product(s) to your prospects. This can be your own products or services, affiliate products or your network marketing opportunity. Personally, I promote my primary business, Essanté Organics, here.
How to set up your marketing funnel stages
The best way to set up your marketing funnel is to use Onyalist as it’s fully customizable. It can be used to promote ANY product or service, whether you promote your own products, affiliate products, a network marketing opportunity, or a combination of them.
If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m dedicated to help you succeed in your online marketing in any way that I can.